This edition was prepared by the Moscow Centre of the EastWest Institu within the scope of the “Fiscal Transparency” Program
The Director of the Program “Fiscal Transparency” is A.G. Makushkin, Ph.I (economics)
Authors of the project “Federal budget and the regions: a case study of fiscal flows”:
A.G.Makushkin, Ph.D. (economics) (Project coordinator)
A.M.Lavrov, Ph.D. (geography) (academic supervisor of the Project)
L.N.Bogdanov, Ph.D. (economics)
A.G.Reoos, Ph.D. (economics)
V.V.Klimanov, Ph.D. (geography)
O.V.Kuznetsova, Ph.D. (economics)
V.Ye.Shuvalov, Ph.D. (geography)
Federal budget and the regions: a case study of fiscal flows/ Moscow Centre of the EastWest Institute. - M.: Dialogue-MSU, 1999. - 52 p.
The book presents complex analysis of the fiscal flows balance between tl Federal Centre and the Regions of Russia. Much attention is paid to the estim tion of regional differences in the finance flows which covers all known cha ells of finance reallocation.